What sets brimmz apart you wonder?
We are you, that's why!
Brimmz thrives on quality customer service because if we were in your position as a consumer we would want to feel like we were taken care of also.
Brimmz started as a hobby and hasn't ever really changed. Yes, we have gotten a little bigger than just a "hobby" but we are still here for FUN, to make friends and to help those little babes look stylish on a budget.
That is what we live by for 2 reasons
It's all well and good to look the part, but when it comes to babies + kids durability and comfort are just as important.
We have a unique fit that was tested and changed for 2 years before actually launching online because we don't do anything around here unless its 100%
Style, Comfort, Customer Service and Price.
We have a community of moms and dads who support each other in everyday life on our BRIMMZ VIP facebook page.
We aren't just a small shop we are a brimmzfamily who come together and share a love for a quality hat. 
That is what sets us apart.
-Stephanie xo
Stephanie Parker